
Guild Rules

Guild Rules
Guild Jobs
Guild Events
Cast of Characters
Special Friends

This is where we post the rules for the guild.

Basic Rules
1:  Always be kind and courteous to others, yes, even those who deserve cruelty.  Just remember, even nice guys can refuse to help in the future. >.>
2:  Try to help as many people as you can.  I understand sometimes that helping may be impossible, but always do your best to try.
3:  If you can't help, try to find someone in the guild who can.  It may not be as glorious to be the one on the sidelines, but if we are glory-hogs, the only one's we'd help is ourselves.
4:  If a problem does arise, whether it's in the guild or outside the guild, notify an Elder or the Chairman.
5:  There is a 2-week limit on how long you can be absent from the guild.  If you are gone for 15 days, your character will be considered inactive and removed from the guild.  If this happens, do NOT curse us for it, just simply tell us you are back and if there is an available space, you'll be re-entered into the guild.

Guild Events
We may begin doing Guild Events sometime in the future, but for now, here are the basic rules for participation.
1:  Be courteous to others participating, after all, what we do is usually for fun, not fight.
2:  We will still be available to those who need help.  Nothing should ever distract us from our duties.
3:  All guild events will have either an Elder or Chairperson as the judge.  If there are any problems, they have the right to tell you you are not allowed to participate in future events.

Screenshots and Picture Rules
1:  No real life nude pictures.  I got no problem with them, but other members of the guild, as well as any visitors, may find them offensive.  Plus, this is a guild site, not a free porn site.
2:  For $9.99 a month, you can subscribe to the "Domo's Hottest Action" site.  (To those of you who don't know me well enough, I'm joking.  If said site exists.... send me the link >.>)
3:  For your profile, you can post up a real life picture of yourself, but for the Screenshots section, I would like nothing more than Dream of Mirror Online screenshots.  What is in them is up to you, if I feel it's worthy for the section, I'll put it up.  Any captions or stories you want to go with them, feel free to put them in the email with them.  Please make all stories short and sweet.
4:  I like jokes as well as the other guy, but if the joke is at the expense of someone, please ask that person permission before sending it to me.  If they do not approve of it, the picture will not be entered into the site.

Rifa'iya Guild Site